This is a response I originally posted in my Facebook group. It was a great question and I felt that the answer could be posted here as well in the form of a blog post.
"The questions that you have are similar to the ones many of us have. I will give you my take on how I view things, from there, I welcome you to come up with your own conclusion.
First off, if ANYONE says that they know EXACTLY what happens when we pass, RUN! Run far and fast from them.
The absolute truth is that no one knows. Part of the reason for my journey was that I felt there had to be some sort of explanation that was plausible, and not just a nutty oddball opinion, or Bible scripture being thrown at me.
When we talk about "lost souls", in my opinion, it's not like losing a sock in a drawer. I believe that free will exists beyond the living body and that, at the time of death, we have a choice to cross over, or to stay. The reasons for a spirit staying are as unique and individual as each of us.
I have said many times in my writings and videos that, I do not know if what I do works, I can only hope. In addition, I do not force - or try to force - any spirit to cross. I simply give them an option.
How is this done?
Through counseling in a way that teaches them to raise their vibration.
It has been medically proven that our emotions create a vibrational field that lowers when we are in an angry or depressed mood, and raises when we are happy or feel love. I try to teach them how to change their emotional state.
Religion will tell you to just believe and have faith - I needed more than that. There actually is a science behind this that is being studied by NYU and Virginia Tech.
Here are the basics:
The body is comprised of 3 elements: A Carbon physical structure - a power generator (brain and spinal column), and a control unit (consciousness).
The body is a carbon-based unit that is built of various proteins. These proteins have an expiration date (body death). Thermodynamics tells us that energy is neither created nor destroyed, it simply moves on into entropy. The brain has an entire electrical grid called the Synapse that carries electrical signals throughout the body. In addition, medical science is now proving that consciousness is energy and not linked to the brain as originally thought.
This means that when the body dies, the energy sources that make us who we are, continue on according to the laws of thermodynamics.
The ideas of heaven and hell are abstract constructs that - if we trace history - go back to the time of the poet Dante with the creation of his epic poem Inferno. I believe that Heaven and Hell are a place of emotion, and perhaps not exactly a physical destination. I have no proof to support that last statement, however, there is enough proof to support the rest."